The Motivation Behind My Journey to Financial Independence and Early Retirement


The Motivation Behind My Journey to Financial Independence and Early Retirement

Why would anyone want to pursue FIRE (financial independence and retire early)? For me, it was a series of events that led me down this path.

I followed a typical route: high school, a Bachelor’s degree in Economics, and a Master’s degree in Corporate Finance & Control. But things changed in early 2008 when my stepdad lost his job at 55. He had chronic back pain from a car accident years before and wanted to work from home a couple of days a week to manage his pain better. His employer refused, and he was fired. That was the first time I realized that a job doesn’t guarantee security or reliability.

I didn’t want my life to be dictated by someone else’s opinion of my work. What if I didn’t get the job or the promotion? I wanted to eliminate those uncertainties as soon as possible. My stepdad struggled to find new work and eventually took a job as a taxi driver for kids with special needs, which didn’t pay much. My mom had to return to work, and even I chipped in by lending them money from my student loan.

I vowed never to be in that situation. During university, I lived independently and covered all my expenses, from tuition to rent and food. By the end of my studies, I had a €25,000 student loan debt, which wasn’t too bad. My parents did their best, and I love them for it, but their struggles gave me a drive to work hard so I never have to rely on others.

Being financially independent means I can make my own decisions and do what I want. In November 2018, I attended T. Harv Eker’s seminar, ‘Secrets of a Millionaire Mind,’ which was eye-opening. It made me realize I wanted to start my own business someday. I decided to start blogging in December 2018, something I always loved but never pursued.

Reading “Rich Dad Poor Dad” fueled my desire for financial freedom even more. Freedom is my top value, and I believe in incorporating mini-retirements into my life now. I’ve taken several months off to travel and work on passion projects, which is my idea of freedom.

When I started working in April 2018, I found I had more money than I needed. I began investing, thanks to my background in economics, and even dabbled in crypto with some play money. Discovering Financial Independence in November 2018 was a game-changer. The concept of having a nest egg big enough to fund my expenses forever was new and exciting.

I calculated my savings rate and found I was doing well. Living in a shared apartment kept my housing costs low, and my employer covered my car expenses. With my savings rate, I expect to retire by 35. I love the idea of work being optional, starting my own company without much risk, and managing my time as I wish. I’m all in!

If you’re curious about how to achieve Financial Independence and Early Retirement, start by asking yourself: What is your Why to FI?