Profitable Ventures: A Case Study on Earning Through Online Course Sales


Profitable Ventures: A Case Study on Earning Through Online Course Sales

Here’s another installment in our side hustle case study series, where real people share how they make extra money in their spare time! This week, Eileen from Your Money Sorted tells us about her side hustle selling financial training courses online. On top of that, she works as a teacher, financial coach, and blogger. Eileen is truly inspiring, and I hope you enjoy her story.

### Selling Online Courses with Eileen from Your Money Sorted

**Tell us a little about yourself and your side hustle.**

I’m Eileen, a PE teacher, financial coach, and mom to three teenagers. An unexpected set of twins left me with three kids under two, which completely changed my life and my relationship with money. My plan to work full-time became impossible, so I had to go part-time and take a big pay cut. I went from never worrying about money to feeling constantly broke and anxious about finances.

After years of feeling stuck, I realized I needed to change. I started learning about money mindset and discovered that I was creating my own problems. The only person who could fix it was me. Now, I have a much healthier relationship with money and believe I can find the funds for things that matter to me, instead of always thinking, “I can’t afford that.”

I knew what I learned could help many others, so I created courses to help women understand their relationship with money, feel confident about it, and learn how to manage it like a pro. This way, they can relax and enjoy life more.

**How long have you been doing your side hustle? How did you get into it?**

I initially trained as a Financial Coach and planned to work with clients one-on-one. However, I realized I could help more women by working online. I wrote my first Your Money Sorted course in 2016 and have since added other courses like Magic Money Manifestation, Change Your Money Story, Money Success Made Simple, and Finance for Freedom. The feedback has been fantastic and makes me really proud.

**What does the work actually involve? What does a typical day/work session look like for you?**

I’m juggling a lot of responsibilities, so no two days are the same. I still teach PE two days a week and serve as a Financial Education officer in schools. Around that, I spend time in my Your Money Sorted Facebook group, chatting with readers. I also blog, update the website, and research new content.

**How much can you make doing this side hustle?**

Income can vary widely. Some people make a fortune, while others struggle to make any sales. I started off finding it nearly impossible to make sales, but now I have a steady stream of self-study sales, which is great because it’s passive income.

**Are there any start-up costs and/or ongoing expenses with this side hustle?**

My main cost is the course platform, which costs around £800 per year. There are also expenses for advertising, card payment fees, and creating materials. Some courses include coaching from me, so it’s important to factor in that cost when pricing the courses. When considering how lucrative a side hustle is, you must account for your time and charge accordingly.

**What advice would you give to somebody who wants to get started?**

Don’t think it’s easy to make a fortune from selling courses. Only about 2% of your audience is likely to buy, so building your audience is crucial to making decent money from this side hustle.

**Any recommended websites or resources?**

I use Ruzuku to host my courses. It’s easy to use, the courses look professional, and it allows you to create sales pages and accept payments on the platform.

**Where can we find you?**

You can find details of my courses at [Your Money Sorted]( I also have a lovely Facebook group where I often run free challenges. You can find me on my Facebook page, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Thank you, Eileen!