Blogging Secrets: Crafting Speedy Blog Posts with Ease


Blogging Secrets: Crafting Speedy Blog Posts with Ease

I love being a blogger because the flexible, work-from-home lifestyle has so many perks. But if you’re a blogger too, you know it’s not always easy! Contrary to what people think, we’re not just making money effortlessly from a beach hammock.

One of the challenges I face is that it takes me a long time to write each blog post. My posts are usually pretty long—over 2,000 words. This is partly because I naturally write a lot, but also because longer posts tend to rank better on Google.

Writing a blog post is only half the battle. You also need to edit and proofread, find or create images, make social media graphics, add links for SEO, and more. That’s why having a system to write more efficiently is crucial. Here are some tricks I’ve learned over the years that help me write faster and get more done. I hope they work for you too!

**Write Your Headings First**
Having a plan before you start writing is super helpful. I took a great training on identifying keywords to include in your post to help with Google ranking. Now, I apply this to every post I write. This technique not only helps with SEO but also gives you a list of keywords and subtopics to include in your post. I use these keywords as subheadings (H2/H3) in my posts. This way, when I start writing, the structure is already in place, and I just need to fill in the paragraphs under each subheading. It speeds up my writing significantly, and the posts I’ve written using this method are getting great organic traffic from Google.

**Pomodoro Technique**
One of my favorite productivity hacks is the Pomodoro technique. If you haven’t heard of it, it involves working in focused 25-minute blocks with five-minute breaks in between. You set a timer for 25 minutes and work only on the task at hand—no distractions. After four sets of 25 minutes, you take a longer, 30-minute break. When I use this method, I focus solely on writing, leaving research, fact-checking, and spelling for later. It’s amazing how much faster you can write when you don’t let anything interrupt your flow. I always turn to this method when I’m feeling unproductive, and it never fails to boost my output.

**Limit Your Research**
Research is important for most blog posts, but it can also be a huge time drain. Too often, my “essential research” turns into hours of browsing other blogs. To avoid this, set a strict time limit for research. Use a timer, not just the clock, to keep yourself on track. If you’re using the Pomodoro technique, you might structure it like this: first Pomodoro for research, second and third for uninterrupted writing, and fourth for editing. Adapt as needed, but the key is to set limits. As I research, I make notes about structure and subheadings to make it easier to integrate everything into the post later.

**No Distractions**
I find it much easier to write when I eliminate distractions, both physical and visual. Start with a clear desk if that helps you focus. I often have a pile of paperwork that stresses me out, so I hide it temporarily. I also turn off the spelling and grammar checker while writing because the wavy lines can interrupt my flow. You can always run a spell check at the end. Another way to reduce distractions is to write on the biggest, blankest page possible. If you use WordPress, the “distraction-free writing mode” button can help. I usually draft my posts in Google Docs, which is great because it syncs across devices. When it’s time to write, I open Google Docs in a new tab and minimize the menus to reduce on-screen distractions.

**Write When You’re Inspired**
While systems and methods are great for productivity, sometimes you just feel inspired to write. When that happens, go with it! You can write so much faster when you’re in the right mood. If you get a great idea while doing something else, jot it down immediately. Even if you’re out and about, use a notebook or your phone to capture your thoughts. Some people even dictate their blog posts while walking. The other tips in this post are great for overcoming procrastination, but always take advantage of natural inspiration when it strikes.

Do you have any blogging tricks to use your time more effectively? Share them in the comments below!