Transforming Blogging into a Profitable Side Venture [Case Study]


Transforming Blogging into a Profitable Side Venture [Case Study]

Here’s the next part of our side hustle case study series, where real people share how they earn extra money in their free time!

This week, Clare from My Money Cottage tells us how she makes a great extra income from blogging, even with three kids, a part-time job, and other side hustles.

I love Clare’s story because it shows that you can make a significant income from a side hustle, even with limited time.

**Blogging as a Side Hustle with Clare from My Money Cottage**

**Tell us a bit about yourself and your side hustle.**

I started side hustles about 10 years ago when my husband and I were both laid off just before Christmas. I was pregnant, and we struggled until my husband found a new job. I’ve been blogging for about two years, and it has quickly become my main side hustle, earning me more than my part-time job.

**How long have you been doing your side hustle? How did you get into it?**

I began blogging to document my other side hustles but soon realized it could be a side hustle itself. I started applying for sponsored posts about six months after launching my blog, and it grew from there. Initially, I was embarrassed about my blog, but now I’m happy to help others make extra money too. I’ve been making money from blogging for about a year, with a significant increase in earnings over the past six months. Since my youngest started full-time preschool, I’ve dedicated every afternoon to my blog.

**What does the work involve? What does a typical day look like for you?**

I work from home for 25 hours a week over six days. My day starts with getting my kids to school and preschool, then I handle housework before starting work at 10 am. I work from 10 am to 12 pm and then dedicate the rest of the day until 3 pm to blogging. My tasks vary daily but include writing paid content, regular blog posts, social media scheduling, pitching for jobs, and managing other websites.

**How much can you make blogging?**

The earning potential from blogging is almost limitless. Some bloggers in the UK make over £100,000 a year. I’m still building my business but usually make over £1,000 a month, which is life-changing for us. I hope to keep growing as my blog gains more recognition.

**Are there any start-up costs or ongoing expenses with this side hustle?**

There are some initial costs, like buying a domain and hosting, but they aren’t too high. As income grows, many bloggers hire a Virtual Assistant, but I’m managing on my own for now.

**What advice would you give to someone who wants to start?**

Just go for it. Don’t worry about putting yourself out there. If you have something to share, then share it!

**Any recommended websites or resources?**

There are many Facebook groups for UK bloggers where you can find work and support. Depending on your blog niche, you might find dedicated groups for that too. For technical help, there’s a useful group you can join.

**Where can we find you?**

I blog at My Money Cottage, and you can also find me on Facebook and Twitter. I also run a group for UK bargain hunters where we share daily deals and offers.

Thank you, Clare!

Has Clare inspired you to start your own blogging side hustle? If so, I have a full tutorial on how to start a blog and make money.

You can find other posts in the side hustle case studies series here.

I’m currently looking for more contributions to this series! If you have a unique side hustle you’d like to share, please contact me and let me know what it is!