Earning Income Online Through Affiliate Marketing: A Side Hustle Success Story


Earning Income Online Through Affiliate Marketing: A Side Hustle Success Story

Here’s the next part of our side hustle case study series, where real people share how they earn extra money in their spare time! This week, Michelle from Time and Pence talks about making money online with affiliate marketing.

I love this interview because most people think affiliate marketing is just for bloggers, but Michelle shows how you can use various social media channels to make money without a blog.

How to make money with affiliate marketing with Michelle

Tell us a little about yourself and your side hustle.

Hi, I’m Michelle! I’m a housewife and mother in my 40s. A few years ago, I decided to leave my career and start making money from home, and I haven’t looked back since. I love the flexibility it gives me, allowing me to be a stay-at-home mom while earning money. One of my income streams is Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing is pretty simple: you promote someone else’s product and earn a commission for any sales. I only promote products I love or use myself, so it feels natural and not forced.

How long have you been doing your side hustle? How did you get into it?

I’ve been doing Affiliate Marketing for about two years now. I started by making money through my blog but then expanded to other platforms and methods.

What does the work actually involve? What does a typical day/work session look like for you?

My days vary because my income streams are so diverse. I drop my son off at school, have breakfast, and then work in my home office until about 2:30 PM. I might take a break for lunch or to do some chores, but I stay pretty disciplined.

When working on affiliate marketing, I usually have a plan for what I’m going to promote that day. It could involve creating pins for Pinterest, scheduling Facebook posts, or launching a full campaign using various online resources. Whatever the task, I always find it enjoyable.

How much can you make doing this side hustle?

The earning potential is limitless! Some people do Affiliate Marketing to make a bit of extra money, while others focus on it full-time to create a substantial income. For me, it’s just one of the ways I make money online, but it’s an important part of my income.

Are there any start-up costs or ongoing expenses with this side hustle?

No, Affiliate Marketing is free to start! Joining affiliate programs and promoting their products costs nothing. The only money I spent was on an Affiliate Marketing course to boost my income, but that was my choice, and I’m glad I made the investment.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to get started?

Learn as much as you can about Affiliate Marketing. While it’s simple, there’s some strategy involved. It’s not just about pasting links and hoping for the best. Do some research, and you can make a great income.

Any recommended websites or resources?

I have a post on my site: How Does Affiliate Marketing Work Step by Step. It’s great for beginners and explains what Affiliate Marketing is and how it works.

Where can we find you?

You can find me at www.timeandpence.com, or follow me on social media:
Instagram: @timeandpence
Facebook: @timeandpence
Pinterest: @timeandpence

Thanks, Michelle!

I recommend checking out Michelle’s guide to affiliate marketing on her site. It’s detailed and perfect for beginners!

Here are some related posts you might enjoy on my site:
– How To Make Money on Pinterest
– How to Start a Blog to Make Money
– 11 Tried-and-Tested Ways to Make Money Online in the UK

You can find the other posts in the side hustle case studies series here.

I’m looking for more contributions to this series! If you have a unique side hustle you’d like to share, please contact me!