Earning Big as a Wholesaler: How I Made $100k in Just 10 Months! [Side Hustle Success Story]


Earning Big as a Wholesaler: How I Made $100k in Just 10 Months! [Side Hustle Success Story]

Here’s the next part of our side hustle case study series, where real people share how they make extra money in their spare time!

I’m thrilled to introduce Charlotte from the blog Simply Money Savvy. Charlotte and her sister run a business importing craft products from China and selling them in the UK. In just the first 10 months, they achieved an impressive turnover of £100k (about $137,000)!

Let’s dive into how they did it:

**Making Money with a Wholesale Business – Charlotte’s Story**

**Tell us a bit about yourself and your side hustle.**
We import craft blanks (items that crafters can personalize for resale) and sell them wholesale to UK crafters.

**How long have you been doing this, and how did you start?**
My sister and I started the business in March 2018. We couldn’t find a supplier in the UK offering the items we wanted at a good price, so we decided to become the supplier ourselves!

**What does your work involve? What’s a typical day like?**
It really depends on what’s happening. My sister Natalie handles the daily operations, dealing with suppliers and logistics, while I manage the website and technical aspects around my full-time job. When we receive a delivery, it’s all hands on deck to get it processed quickly. For large deliveries (like 10,000+ items), we hire extra help.

**How much can you make from this side hustle?**
The income largely depends on the effort you put in. From March to December 2018, our turnover was £100k (around $137,000 USD). We’ve worked hard to grow the business, moving from working at home to a small storage unit, and now to a mini warehouse, which is already becoming too small.

**Are there any start-up costs or ongoing expenses?**
We started with less than £100 ($127) by working on a pre-order basis. We reinvested our profits for the first 8-10 weeks. There are no recurring costs for the business itself, just the usual expenses like premises and an accountant.

**What advice would you give to someone wanting to start?**
Start small and build up slowly. Be careful with your money to avoid major setbacks if you make a mistake. Always keep a financial buffer and be ready to put in the work. As with most things, “it only works if you do.”

**Any recommended websites or resources?**
For buying supplies, check out AliExpress.com or Alibaba.com.

**Where can we find you?**
Blog: Simply Money Savvy
Store: Bang On Blanks

Thank you, Charlotte!